Our customers who purchase new equipment from us are always our priority. Our customers purchase factory new equipment from us not only because they are great products but because they know we have their backs should they have any issues within the warranty timeline. Outside of warranty we will also do our best to assist and repair equipment purchased from us as quickly as possible and keep costs down. That being said; when we have down time we will most certainly take a look at repairing gear not purchased from us and repair if we can.
We work on Turntables and Speakers of various brands and age. Often, it is not worth the cost of repair of certain items but some bare the exception and are worthy of repair. Technology has advanced greatly over the past 40+ years and finding parts for gear that is beyond 10 years old is unfortunately difficult if not impossible. This is why the brands we've carefully chosen to sell at The Groove are the few manufactures that still have a respectable amount of parts inventory and support their legacy products. If you bring in gear that we did not sell you we can not only not guarantee it is fixable. Difficult to say if we can fix it if it's 40+ years old.
Think of all the standards in the present day world: Air Conditioning everywhere we go, everyone has a cell phone, and now we're seeing self driving cars...plenty has changed and so has audio. When my Dad's Technics direct drive turntable was new in 1979 they had not figured out how to create solid one piece aluminum and carbon fiber tonearms like many tables have now. Balanced connections and grounded power supplies were unheard of in the audio world and are now common place. Even just the sophistication of bearings and synthetic oil compounds make modern turntables without a doubt better performer's than their vintage counterparts. That being said there are plenty of cases where a vintage table that originally retailed for $450 will sound equivalent to a $350 modern table. There is good vintage gear out there worth restoring but there is also plenty of junk.
Not yet...stay tuned! Generally if it's pre 1980 there may be a way to fix it but everything 1980-Present is much harder and probably not worth repairing. Audio has improved and video processing in particular is leaps and bounds better than it was even just 10 years ago. It's worth upgrading to a modern AVR like the brands we sell: Sony NAD, Rotel, Anthem, Trinov, and of course McIntosh.
The Groove OKC
714 N (2nd Floor) Broadway Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73102